
Sector Groups

Small groups of EnVest members aligned with specific sustainability sectors convene 6-8 times a year in facilitated Zoom calls to strategize, share insights, develop industry roadmaps and collaborate on sector priorities. The initial 20 minutes are dedicated to updating members on priorities and sharing "hot takes" on timely issues. The subsequent 40 minutes are spent delving deep into a subject prioritized by the group. EnVest staff facilitates and documents the discussions, making them accessible to members via an online database.

Rapid Deal Syndication (RDS)

EnVest hosts RDS sessions throughout the year, enabling members to introduce portfolio companies seeking to finalize a syndicate. Members simply complete a 5 minute intake form on the company that EnVest staff uses to prepare a 1 page informational slide presented by the member during the RDS.

Each member can present one company per RDS and must articulate their conviction about the company. The presentation process is streamlined to ensure it can be completed in less than two minutes per company. All members are invited to view each RDS session. Members then identify any companies of interest and the EnVest team facilitates direct connections with CEOs for follow-up meetings.


Every November, EnVest hosts EnVision, our in-person conference for our members, offering sector-focused events and opportunities to engage with top emerging CEOs.

Programming starts the evening of day one with a kick-off cocktail party and private dinner, providing members with a relaxed environment to reconnect and expand their networks.

The second day starts with a welcome breakfast and presentation, and transitions into the pitch segment of the conference featuring thirty-plus meticulously selected companies and sector-focused breakout sessions.

Focus Dinners

EnVest staff hosts small dinners in major cities offering a relaxed setting for discussions focused on sector specific topics with local members and sustainability leaders invited to participate. The series aims to bring members together in a casual environment to discuss key topics, foster co-investment opportunities, build connections to limited partners and domain experts and introduce prospective members to the community.

Knowledge Hub

The members only Knowledge Hub is a centralized repository of information, documents, reports, and data gathered and curated from the sector groups and other member collaborations. Members use the knowledge hub to find upcoming events, access the latest reports and research papers and connect with relevent EnVest portfolio companies.